A full list of publications can be accessed here.
Godwin, JL, Lumley, AJ, Michalczyk, Ł, Martin, OY, Gage, MJG. (2020) Mating patterns influence vulnerability to the extinction vortex. Global Change Biology 26: 4226– 4239. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15186
Lewis, RC, Pointer, MD, Friend, LA, et al. (2020) Polyandry provides reproductive and genetic benefits in colonising populations. Ecology and Evolution: 1– 7. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6742
House, C., Tunstall, P., Rapkin, J., Bale, M.J., Gage, M., del Castillo, E. and Hunt, J. (2020), Multivariate stabilizing sexual selection and the evolution of male and female genital morphology in the red flour beetle. Evolution 74: 883-896. doi:10.1111/evo.13912
Vasudeva, R., Sutter, A., Sales, K., Dickinson, M.E., Lumley, A.J., Gage, M.J.G. Adaptive thermal plasticity enhances sperm and egg performance in a model insect. eLife, (2019), 10.7554/eLife.49452.
Spurgin, L.G. & Gage, M.J.G. (2019) Conservation: The Costs of Inbreeding and of Being Inbred. Current Biology 29: R796-R798. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.07.023
Prokop, Z.M., Hlebowicz, K., Gaczorek, T.S., Antoł, W.M., Martin, O.Y., Gage, M.J.G. and Michalczyk, Ł. (2019), No evidence for short‐term purging benefits of sexual selection in inbred red flour beetle populations. Journal of Zoology 307: 178-185. doi:10.1111/jzo.12633
A., Jacobs, Doran C., Murray D S., Duffill Telsnig J., Laskowski K L., Jones N A R., and others, ‘On the Challenges and Opportunities Facing Fish Biology: A Discussion of Five Key Knowledge Gaps’, Journal of Fish Biology, 92 (2018), 690–98.
Sales, K.; Vasudeva, R.; Dickinson, M.E.; Godwin, J.L; Lumley, A.J.; Michalczyk, Ł.; Hebberecht, L.; Thomas, P; Franco, A.; Gage, M.J.G. 2018. Heatwaves damage sperm function and cause transgenerational fitness decline in a model insect. Nature Communications 9: 4771. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-07273-z
Sales, K.; Trent, T.; Gardner, J.; Lumley, A.J.; Vasudeva, R.; Michalczyk, L.; Martin, O.Y.; Gage, M.J.G. 2018. Animal Behaviour 139: 51-59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2018.03.004
Murray, D.S.; Kainz, M.J.; Hebberecht, L.; Sales, K.; Hindar, K.; Gage, M.J.G. 2018. Comparisons of reproductive function and fatty acid fillet quality between triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Royal Society Open Science 5(8): 180493. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.180493
Godwin, J.L., Vasudeva, R., Michalczyk, L., Martin, O.Y., Lumley, A.J., Chapman T.C. & Gage, M.J.G. (2017) Sperm competition intensity selects for longer, more costly sperm. Evolution Letters, 1, 102-113
Faria, C. M. A., Machado, A., Amorim, I. R., Gage, M. J. G., Borges, P. A. V., Emerson, B. C (2016). Evidence for multiple founding lineages and genetic admixture in the evolution of species within an oceanic island weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) super-radiation. Journal of Biogeography. 43 (1). pp.178-191.
Lumley, A. J., Diamond, S. E., Einum, S., Yeates, S. E., Peruffo, D., Emerson, B. C., Gage, M. J. G. (2016) Post-copulatory opportunities for sperm competition and cryptic female choice provide no offspring fitness benefits in externally fertilizing salmon.
Lumley, A., Michalczyk, L., Kitson, J., Spurgin, L., Morrison, C., Godwin, J., Dickinson, M., Martin, O., Emerson, B., Chapman, T., Gage, M. (2015) Sexual selection protects against extinction Full Text
Hangartner, S., Michalczyk, Ł., Gage, M. J., Martin, O. Y. (2015) Experimental removal of sexual selection leads to decreased investment in an immune component in female Tribolium castaneum Full Text
Yeates, S. E., Einum, S., Fleming, I. A., Holt, W. V., Gage, M. J. (2014) Assessing risks of invasion through gamete performance: farm Atlantic salmon sperm and eggs show equivalence in function, fertility, compatibility and competitiveness to wild Atlantic salmon Full Text